Faith is the belief in things yet unseen and hope in things yet to come...
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Diaster relationship
I feel BAD! Why do I feel bad?
My lifestyles today are just different than before. I am really struggling with things right now. I may not understand but in the end his great plan for me will be revealed. In my own devotional life, I have spent less time with God these days and so, though I think it’s fine if folks begin growing in their faith by spending short amounts of time in communication with the Lord Jesus each day but I’m sensing a need to go longer and deeper. I was getting far away from Him. We live in such a noisy, distracting world. The soul tends to get neglected first I bragged about achievements.I want to master my studies.When things seem get better I forget to stay in touch and this is not pleasing to God. Talking about my life...did I live my life well and pleased Him?
Conscience- which is the inner sense of right and wrong, brings guilt to me.Where is the intimate relationship between me and Him? But just by admitting there is right and wrong tells more of what the Bible teaches about the fact that all people sin. I want I to manage my time wisely and try to make a right balance in my life. I want to rekindle my relationship with Him. Help me O Lord. "Actions speak louder than words.
so where do you run for comfort when things go wrong? What do you complain about most? What Makes you happiest? How do you explain yourself to other people? What makes you angry with God? What do you want more than anything? What do you sacrifice for? What comfort do you treasure the most? If you could change one thing what would that be?
WITHOUT CHRIST I AM NOTHING. He has done more for me than anyone could imagine, continuously watching over me. Feel bad because God the Holy Spirit is at work.
Pray with me and for me that I will continue to feel God’s presence during this time and that I will come out on the other side stronger and closer to God. Thanks.
John 16:8-9
When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment: in regard to sin, because men do not believe in me;
Doing wrong things gets harder
Matthew 11:28-30
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.
P/S: When you pray for someone, do you see a picture of him or her in your mind?
By the way, God loves u and me :) I must get off to sleep now!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Slumdog Millionaire
I had just watched Slumdog Millionaire online...didn't go cinema watch because I can watch it online. LOL
I have linked a website to let those who really wants to watch Slumdog Millionaire online.
Ehh, I took xx minutes to search for a website that really gives me the real outcomes.
so here's the link:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
"A piece of riveting cinema, meant to be savoured as a Cinderella-like fairy tale, with the edge of a thriller and the vision of an artist".
The film is indeed very Indian" and that it is "one of the best English films set in India and revolving around the country’s most popular metropolis Mumbai.
"It was nominated for ten Academy Awards in 2009 and won eight, the most for any film of 2008, including Best Picture and Best Director. It also won five Critics' Choice Awards, four Golden Globes, and seven BAFTA Awards, including Best Film. Despite the film's success, it is the subject of controversy concerning its portrayals of Indians and Hinduism as well as the welfare of its child actors."
Enjoy the show. *__________*
Would anyone like to give a comment about this movie?
This little boy-Ayush Mahesh Khedekar is cute and watch how funny he was in the movie. (^-^)
Freida Pinto... she is a beautiful, lovely young woman who was good in the movie SlumDog Millionaire. She didn't have many lines in the film had like limited screen time
Dev Patel was cast in the role of Jamal Malik, the central character in Danny Boyle's independent film Slumdog Millionaire.The film's producer found the original choice for the lead role, Ruslaan Mumtaz, "too good looking for the role and so he was replaced by Dev Patel". Boyle considered hundreds of young male actors, although he found that Bollywood leads were generally "strong, handsome hero-types", not the personality he was looking for. Patel was chosen for the role of Jamal due to his "average Joe" appearance. LOL
and a picture of young couple to end the post... ...
OK thats all ..I have to leave. Have a blessed day. bye bye
Saturday, March 21, 2009
How long...?

How long will you hide your face from me?
How long must I wrestle with my thoughts
and every day have sorrow in my heart?
How long will my enemy triumph over me?
Look on me and answer, O LORD my God.
Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death;
my enemy will say, "I have overcome him,"
and my foes will rejoice when I fall.
But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation.
I will sing to the LORD,
for he has been good to me.
Malaysia First Earth Hour
Earth Hour defeats itself. Did you turn the lights off for an hour on Saturday? Apparently everyone turned on and used all their appliances and lights in the hour before Earth Hour to prepare for the voluntary blackout. So, it had no substantial effect, unless you count increasing global awareness of…earth problems ><
On this day, daddy and me went Sunway Pyramid to buy something. This will be the first time Malaysia officially takes part in Earth Hour. I was at the mall half an hour earlier than the countdown time-21 00...can't stay there and watch the show. DISAPPOINTED but I think I saw someone familiar at the mall hmmm...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
in just few hours eheh..
so I have put a video it!
Lose my soul lose my soul LOST MY SOUL BY TOBY MAC.
...he doesn't want to gain the whole world, but lose his soul. In other words, he doesn't want to gain the whole world with wealth and fame, but lose his soul. That's what the video is showing. I think it sends a great message because you could be a millionare and lose your soul, and you would have nothing left but your money.If you don't lose your soul, then it's a lot better.Hope this helped and God Bless!
Revived blog
guess what's the time?
It's 0205 !
Oh Mi God!
Revival revival revival! REVIVED! so this blog is NOT dead!
Ermm so much thing to say where should I start my talk? Didn't post anything up since beginning of Feb. Yahhhh, >1 month already. I was too busy making survival plans and struggling with T _ _ E. Fill in the blanks yourself. Level of difficulty: *
The Stress, the Pressure the Anxiety it's Exam Time! Due to exams, I have to keep myself away from all the distractions and concentrate on my study. I <3>
"Exam is important in our life""(I agree to certain exent) and exams tell us about our progress oink oink oink the test in our life will never be ended.
It's holiday right now so I don't have to crawl up from my bed in the early morning. The days are getting nearer and for around 240 days to STPM exam. Oh mama, I have to stop fooling around! Things has changed and I don't want to be the same. AIya, don't want to discuss the matter at this moment cuz it will turn me into a VV emotional type of person. May be someday but not today.
Hmm I started to feel a little bit dizzy,sleepy. In fact, staying up late is NOT good for health. I always say that. So I should say goodbye to you and returning to my comfy bed!
GOOD 9 and take care!