LOOK AT THESE JOKES...the answer is funny..misunderstood words, sarcasm, ignorance, pun answers, ambiguous word order,...
1st MAN: I've just bought my wife a bottle of toilet water for £100. (eau de toilette)
2nd MAN: You could have had some from my loo for nothing.
TEACHER: What do you know about the Dead Sea?
PUPIL: Dead? I didn't even know it was ill.
TEACHER: What do you call the small rivers that flow into the river Nile?
PUPIL: Juveniles
1st BOY: Do you always bath in dirty water?
2nd BOY: It was clean when I got in.
STRANGER: I'm looking for a man with a wooden leg called Johnson. (AMBIGUOUS WORD ORDER)
(NOTE: ...a man called Johnson with a wooden leg)
LOCAL: What's his other leg called?
DINER: Waiter! Will my hamburger be long? (TIME)
WAITER: No. It will be round and flat, sir. (SIZE)
1st FRIEND: I know a cafe where we can eat dirt cheap. (DIRT = VERY)
2nd FRIEND: But who wants to eat dirt? (DIRT = EARTH)
DINER: Waiter! What's wrong with this fish?
WAITER: Long time, no sea, sir.
(NOTE: Long time, no see = I haven't seen you for a long time.)
CORONER: And what were your wife's last words sir?
HUSBAND: I don't see how they can make a profit selling this chicken at 2p per pound.
NERVOUS PASSENGER: How often do planes of this type crash?
AIR HOSTESS: Only once, sir.
PASSENGER: Guard! How long will the next train be? (TIME)
GUARD: About six carriages, sir. (LENGTH)
Faith is the belief in things yet unseen and hope in things yet to come...
Friday, February 29, 2008
massage massage massage~RELAX!!!!!!
BEAUTY THERAPY!! LOVE to do the massage?

facial massage can smooth out wrinkles and cleanse the face and helps to calm headaches
honour your parents if you want to live longer
At the end of the massage, gently rest hands on partner's face and hold them there covering the eyes for a minute or so without exerting pressure.
as for abdomen massage...it can cure blemishes caused by adipose deposits and may help resolves intestinal problems such as constipation.BEAR that touching the abdomen is like INTRUDING upon someones PRIVACY
AVOID all kinds of percussion!don't put them to death!!haha XD
before I forget,massaging the breast is not advisable because this organ is a gland.:D
all right,at the beginning use light,superficial,widespread pressure...its better to massage gently & pleasantly & make sure not to trigger acutely painful reactions.As the treatment proceeds,the pressure can be increase.At last,reduce the pressure...massage tenderly~
thats all for now.tata!
BEAUTY THERAPY!! LOVE to do the massage?
facial massage can smooth out wrinkles and cleanse the face and helps to calm headaches
honour your parents if you want to live longer
At the end of the massage, gently rest hands on partner's face and hold them there covering the eyes for a minute or so without exerting pressure.
as for abdomen massage...it can cure blemishes caused by adipose deposits and may help resolves intestinal problems such as constipation.BEAR that touching the abdomen is like INTRUDING upon someones PRIVACY
AVOID all kinds of percussion!don't put them to death!!haha XD
before I forget,massaging the breast is not advisable because this organ is a gland.:D
all right,at the beginning use light,superficial,widespread pressure...its better to massage gently & pleasantly & make sure not to trigger acutely painful reactions.As the treatment proceeds,the pressure can be increase.At last,reduce the pressure...massage tenderly~
thats all for now.tata!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
ahhh...you're watching DRAMA again arh??
I had watched<<野蠻奶奶大戰戈師奶>> for almost 1 week d.. make me laughing
I know I had addicted to it ...salute me!!!!!!!
about war in law realationship+fashion world+love ...waa I had noticed Ophelia always has different and cool clothings...
"O"= "O"phelia = "O"UTSTANDING and NOT "O"UT
CHOW LAI MUN Myolie's pony tail hair "P&C". Adorable^^ but she looks more mature when she joined Elva
Kyle's hair style is FUNNY+CUTE especially at the front part
AH Man + Kyle = sweet and lovey dovey couple
Vivien as Kyle's EX-girl friend sucks alot! great job to her acting like that.What a great talent!
Finally had finished watching it!
haha ;)
great drama series=great humour that I will watch again if there's 3rd vol. :)
I still remembered what Ophelia saying when she's complimenting Loretta's dress>>>"its SIN"=Sexy In Natural!!!!
many life philosophy that I had learned from hk drama!
ahh..there's one more thing!"You are the top of the world at this moment,but tomorrow you may be upside down!"
we always said "the future is in our hand" but from the quote at above tells us that we can't really predict the future...haha ONLY GOD KNOWS!!
What I think is...We must do our Best and lets God do the REST
by the way.The shinny golden shoes is really NICE!!LOVE it!
here's another part"yo yo yo..OPHELIA yum cha~~~~
Wars of In-Laws
Sunday, February 24, 2008
my granpa's ...
Thursday, February 21, 2008
ahh...today I need to delete all my old photos from digi cam
so...I uploaded those photos for remembrance ^^"
all the photos down there were all about cookies and cakes!!!!

so...I uploaded those photos for remembrance ^^"
all the photos down there were all about cookies and cakes!!!!



The Super cow!!!!
Meet the super cow!
BIG muscles are seen when they shaved the cow fur off
my bro asks me to watch this documentary
It was interesting!!!!
watch it!
I have searched another articles related to muscles
When I do aerobics and sit ups to lose weight because if I lift weights, I may build muscle and look like a man.
There is no way women can build big huge muscles unless you are on special supplementation and specially designed personal training system designed particularly for women to build big muscles. Some of those muscle bound women you have seen may even be taking steroids which are banned and obviously harmful. Never never touch steroids to build muscles.
why is it difficult for women to build muscles? Well, it is simply because females do not have enough of testosterone, a male hormone that encourage muscles to grow. In fact, girls have ten to thirty times less of this muscle building hormones, tetosterone, than their male counterparts. Make sense?
So will girls who lift weights in their workouts build more muscle tissue? Yes, of course, but it will not be those big huge muscles like those of bodybuilders. Your muscles will just tone your body shape resulting in a tight, firm, healthy, attractive and desirable body. The body shape that is ever so sexy and adorable. Don't you girls want a sexy and attractive body? Build some muscles to tone your body if you do.
Yes, you may have noticed an increase in weight when you step on a scale. This is not because you are putting on fat. This is because muscles weigh heavier than fat. Thus, as you increase your muscle tissue, your weight will increase but your body fat will be reduced giving you a well toned sexy body which most women can only dream of.
Muscle burn calories naturally even when you are sleeping. In fact, research has shown that for each kilo of muscle you build, you will burn many more calories per day. So if you were to gain some muscles, you will naturally be burning excess calories even when you are sleeping. Doesn't that sounds great?
Another reason that women should do weightlifting is the benefit it can have on your bones. Weight training is a powerful preventive action against osteoporosis, a disease caused by porous bone and low bone density.

Have you ever pointed to your tummy or your butt and sweetly proclaimed, "I want lose tummy weight here." Then you managed to convince yourself that sweating profusely is the answer to a slim and beautiful body. With that conviction you hit the gym day in and day out just to sweat off your tummy or butt fat !
So you peddle away on your stationary bike in the gym just like little hamsters or frantically stepping away on the step up stair climber machine and then you woefully do crunches after crunches in the hope of having a flat belly and a shapely butt not realising that there is no such thing as spot reduction.
You never even bother take a look at the weight lifting machines or the free weights lying everywhere in the gym not to say even touching those weights. Gosh.This terrible myth of building big muscles on women that is creating so much fear in women causing them never to train with weights at their detriment.
Girls! If you are listening, I want to say this loud and clear. There is no way women can build big huge muscles unless you are on special supplementation and specially designed persoanl training system designed particularly for women to build big muscles. Some of those muscle bound women you have seen may even be taking steroids which are banned and obviously harmful. Never never touch steroids to build msucles.
So then, why is it difficult for women to build muscles? Well, it is simply because females do not have enough of testosterone, a male hormone that encourage muscles to grow. In fact, girls have ten to thirty times less of this muscle building hormones, tetosterone, than their male counterparts. Make sense?
Women who accept the myth that they will build big muscles if they workout with weights will miss out on all of the benefits that weightlifting and bodybuilding can offer. This myth is so ingrained in women's psyche that even after explaining the facts to my women clients, they are still afraid to lift weights.
So will girls who lift weights in their workouts build more muscle tissue? Yes, of course, but it will not be those big huge muscles like those of bodybuilders. Your muscles will just tone your body shape resulting in a tight, firm, healthy, attractive and desirable body. The body shape that is ever so sexy and adorable. Don't you girls want a sexy and attractive body? Build some muscles to tone your body if you do.
Yes, you may have noticed an increase in weight when you step on a scale. This is not because you are putting on fat. This is because muscles weigh heavier than fat. Thus, as you increase your muscle tissue, your weight will increase but your body fat will be reduced giving you a well toned sexy body which most women can only dream of.
Muscle burn calories naturally even when you are sleeping. In fact, research has shown that for each kilo of muscle you build, you will burn many more calories per day. So if you were to gain some muscles, you will naturally be burning excess calories even when you are sleeping. Doesn't that sounds great?
Another reason that women should do weightlifting is the benefit it can have on your bones. Weight training is a powerful preventive action against osteoporosis, a disease caused by porous bone and low bone density.
Women have a much higher risk than men to suffer from osteoporosis. In fact, most women will suffer from this disease as they age. Those women plagued with osteoporosis will have an increased susceptibility to fractures. These fractures can even be fatal. So, women should exercise with weight to strengthen and increase bone density.
Research has shown that 24 weeks of weightlifting may increase bone mineral density by as much as 15 percent. As you increase your muscle tissue, your bones must adapt to accommodate this increase in your muscle mass. So your bones respond by increasing in density. The result? You will own a stronger skeletal structure and a reduced risk for osteoporosis.
So girls, don't completely swear off weightlifting fearing that training with weights will build big muscles and turn you into an Incredible Hulk! You won't and you can't. Period. OK girls, the weights are over there. Let's lift them now! Have the last laugh when your girl friends tell you that they don't want to lift weights and yet watching you transform your body that will make heads turn when you are in your bikini.
BIG muscles are seen when they shaved the cow fur off
my bro asks me to watch this documentary
It was interesting!!!!
watch it!
I have searched another articles related to muscles
When I do aerobics and sit ups to lose weight because if I lift weights, I may build muscle and look like a man.
There is no way women can build big huge muscles unless you are on special supplementation and specially designed personal training system designed particularly for women to build big muscles. Some of those muscle bound women you have seen may even be taking steroids which are banned and obviously harmful. Never never touch steroids to build muscles.
why is it difficult for women to build muscles? Well, it is simply because females do not have enough of testosterone, a male hormone that encourage muscles to grow. In fact, girls have ten to thirty times less of this muscle building hormones, tetosterone, than their male counterparts. Make sense?
So will girls who lift weights in their workouts build more muscle tissue? Yes, of course, but it will not be those big huge muscles like those of bodybuilders. Your muscles will just tone your body shape resulting in a tight, firm, healthy, attractive and desirable body. The body shape that is ever so sexy and adorable. Don't you girls want a sexy and attractive body? Build some muscles to tone your body if you do.
Yes, you may have noticed an increase in weight when you step on a scale. This is not because you are putting on fat. This is because muscles weigh heavier than fat. Thus, as you increase your muscle tissue, your weight will increase but your body fat will be reduced giving you a well toned sexy body which most women can only dream of.
Muscle burn calories naturally even when you are sleeping. In fact, research has shown that for each kilo of muscle you build, you will burn many more calories per day. So if you were to gain some muscles, you will naturally be burning excess calories even when you are sleeping. Doesn't that sounds great?
Another reason that women should do weightlifting is the benefit it can have on your bones. Weight training is a powerful preventive action against osteoporosis, a disease caused by porous bone and low bone density.
Have you ever pointed to your tummy or your butt and sweetly proclaimed, "I want lose tummy weight here." Then you managed to convince yourself that sweating profusely is the answer to a slim and beautiful body. With that conviction you hit the gym day in and day out just to sweat off your tummy or butt fat !
So you peddle away on your stationary bike in the gym just like little hamsters or frantically stepping away on the step up stair climber machine and then you woefully do crunches after crunches in the hope of having a flat belly and a shapely butt not realising that there is no such thing as spot reduction.
You never even bother take a look at the weight lifting machines or the free weights lying everywhere in the gym not to say even touching those weights. Gosh.This terrible myth of building big muscles on women that is creating so much fear in women causing them never to train with weights at their detriment.
Girls! If you are listening, I want to say this loud and clear. There is no way women can build big huge muscles unless you are on special supplementation and specially designed persoanl training system designed particularly for women to build big muscles. Some of those muscle bound women you have seen may even be taking steroids which are banned and obviously harmful. Never never touch steroids to build msucles.
So then, why is it difficult for women to build muscles? Well, it is simply because females do not have enough of testosterone, a male hormone that encourage muscles to grow. In fact, girls have ten to thirty times less of this muscle building hormones, tetosterone, than their male counterparts. Make sense?
Women who accept the myth that they will build big muscles if they workout with weights will miss out on all of the benefits that weightlifting and bodybuilding can offer. This myth is so ingrained in women's psyche that even after explaining the facts to my women clients, they are still afraid to lift weights.
So will girls who lift weights in their workouts build more muscle tissue? Yes, of course, but it will not be those big huge muscles like those of bodybuilders. Your muscles will just tone your body shape resulting in a tight, firm, healthy, attractive and desirable body. The body shape that is ever so sexy and adorable. Don't you girls want a sexy and attractive body? Build some muscles to tone your body if you do.
Yes, you may have noticed an increase in weight when you step on a scale. This is not because you are putting on fat. This is because muscles weigh heavier than fat. Thus, as you increase your muscle tissue, your weight will increase but your body fat will be reduced giving you a well toned sexy body which most women can only dream of.
Muscle burn calories naturally even when you are sleeping. In fact, research has shown that for each kilo of muscle you build, you will burn many more calories per day. So if you were to gain some muscles, you will naturally be burning excess calories even when you are sleeping. Doesn't that sounds great?
Another reason that women should do weightlifting is the benefit it can have on your bones. Weight training is a powerful preventive action against osteoporosis, a disease caused by porous bone and low bone density.
Women have a much higher risk than men to suffer from osteoporosis. In fact, most women will suffer from this disease as they age. Those women plagued with osteoporosis will have an increased susceptibility to fractures. These fractures can even be fatal. So, women should exercise with weight to strengthen and increase bone density.
Research has shown that 24 weeks of weightlifting may increase bone mineral density by as much as 15 percent. As you increase your muscle tissue, your bones must adapt to accommodate this increase in your muscle mass. So your bones respond by increasing in density. The result? You will own a stronger skeletal structure and a reduced risk for osteoporosis.
So girls, don't completely swear off weightlifting fearing that training with weights will build big muscles and turn you into an Incredible Hulk! You won't and you can't. Period. OK girls, the weights are over there. Let's lift them now! Have the last laugh when your girl friends tell you that they don't want to lift weights and yet watching you transform your body that will make heads turn when you are in your bikini.
Super cow!!!!
Meet the super cow!
BIG muscles are seen when they shaved the cow fur off
my bro asks me to watch this documentary
It was interesting!!!!
watch it!
BIG muscles are seen when they shaved the cow fur off
my bro asks me to watch this documentary
It was interesting!!!!
watch it!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
<<奸人坚 >> Men don't cry!!!!!
you must watch <<奸人坚 >> [Men don't cry]...IF you have time ^^♥
watched this drama for all day long...non-stop la~
this hk tv drama is a comedy show~
At beginning of the show he's truly "奸人坚"....奸到出汁!!!!!!!!!!♥ 
Gan Yan Kin looks like beaten panda at that picture below
good job to Cecilia Yip 葉 童 as 哨牙妹/凌玉翠 and Vivien Yeo 楊秀惠 as 笨笨/凌玉碧 too~♥
"坚坚"{1960} and "哨牙妹"{1963} didnt look like their age~look younger la~♥
Well done to all of them!♥
the end of this show =s4upiD! its not like what I had predicted!♥
Some of the philosphy in the drama is very true and amusing!♥
As you watch this show you'll learn something!
you must watch <<奸人坚 >> [Men don't cry]...IF you have time ^^♥
watched this drama for all day long...non-stop la~
this hk tv drama is a comedy show~
At beginning of the show he's truly "奸人坚"....奸到出汁!!!!!!!!!!♥

Gan Yan Kin looks like beaten panda at that picture below
good job to Cecilia Yip 葉 童 as 哨牙妹/凌玉翠 and Vivien Yeo 楊秀惠 as 笨笨/凌玉碧 too~♥
"坚坚"{1960} and "哨牙妹"{1963} didnt look like their age~look younger la~♥
Well done to all of them!♥
the end of this show =s4upiD! its not like what I had predicted!♥
Some of the philosphy in the drama is very true and amusing!♥
As you watch this show you'll learn something!
「你夠膽响我舖頭點燈,我就係你門口點火。」 (第20集) |
300k |
「我咁辛苦捉你番嚟放咗你地,我不如食飽飯去扣喉吖。」 (第20集) |
300k |
「哨牙就唔同喇,又易認,又搶眼,離遠都見到,唔見咗又容易搵得番。」 (第20集) |
300k |
「嗱,老闆,我地呢D細嘅無非求一個機會,若然大老闆俾一個機會我,我一定唔會令你失望。」 (第19集) |
300k |
「切忌喺細面前失威,你敷藥叫到好似女人咁,你話幾丟架。」 (第19集) |
300k |
「你無防範意識,走出街比人劈,劈到豬肉咁,不如去豬肉檔做豬肉啦!」 (第19集) |
300k |
「唔可以多謝做細嘅,細嘅係乜嘢呀!」 (第19集) |
300k |
「唔好愛上一個做大事嘅人。」 (第18集) |
300k |
「兒女私情,與其拖泥帶水,不如一刀兩斷。」 (第18集) |
300k |
「師父,我諗我明啦,總之打不還口,罵不還手,買嘢唔打斧頭。」 (第16集) |
300k |
「我咁嘅底,正所謂無人無物無山頭,唔好話做英雄,做灰熊都唔得。」 (第16集) |
300k |
「有人睇到就黃飛鴻,無人睇到就一條蟲。」 (第15集) |
300k |
「人生出嚟,就為咗自己嘅利益生存。」 (第15集) |
300k |
「有著數就正義原則,無著數就乜都掉得,呢個世界唔係咁嘅咩?」 (第15集) |
300k |
「一睇我地就係苦命駌鴦一雙雙。」 (第14集) |
300k |
「古語有云:嘢可以亂食,禮物唔可以唔收。」 (第13集) |
300k |
「人刺青你刺青,你刺隻雞係條腰度,你做咩?鍾意食雞腰呀?」 (第13集) |
300k |
「我話你聽,一個人唔好咁好功夫,你越好功夫呢就越鹹濕。」 (第13集) |
300k |
「真牙人妒忌假牙人,聞所未聞。」 (第12集) |
300k |
「牙死不能復生吖,牙牙相報何時了呢?」 (第12集) |
300k |
「嘩,憑你副尊容都想做明星呀?拍昆蟲紀錄片。」 (第12集) |
300k |
「女人過六十斤,男女授受不親。」 (第11集) |
300k |
「我地呢D浪子,係唔會等女人,只有女人等我。」 (第11集) |
300k |
「我地呢D浪子,係唔會去搵阿爹,只會阿爹嚟搵我。」 (第11集) |
300k |
「人地扮靚係越扮越靚,唔係越扮越攞命吖嘛!一篤牛屎插朵花, 始終都係一篤牛屎,你明唔明呀?」 (第11集) |
300k |
「一條死魚掉番落海,咁佢始終係一條死魚吖嘛,點解你唔接受自己係一條死魚呢?」 (第11集) |
300k |
「你係醜,但醜係無罪吖嘛,唔知醜就罪大惡極喎。」 (第11集) |
300k |
「女人唔係雞屎鴨屎,就係豬屎啦,我話你牛屎,講緊你係最高級喎。」 (第11集) |
300k |
「我地D奸人、聰明人怕惡。係D笨人蠢人至信我啫。」 (第10集) |
300k |
「一個純情少女忽然發姣,真係一個謎。」 (第10集) |
300k |
「咁而家做黃飛鴻徒弟,真係咁多著數,係人都知啦。正所謂人間有情,你未死就送你一程。」 (第09集) |
300k |
「得閒奸一奸,大病都好番。」 (第09集) |
300k |
「咁戇居,你好學唔學,點解要死呀?死嘅時候,死會嚟搵你,你去搵佢?」 (第08集) |
300k |
「你依家受我一拜,你就係一代宗師,你依家唔受,你就係一個乞嚏。」 (第08集) |
300k |
「我要做奸人,可以被毀滅,但唔會俾你打敗。」 (第07集) |
300k |
「損人不利己,不如跳井死。」 (第07集) |
300k |
「貓捉老鼠,隻老鼠死咗,咁隻貓玩乜嘢?我要慢慢玩殘你。」 (第07集) |
300k |
「係,我係奸人堅,但我奸得堂堂正正,光明磊落,我行得奸,企得奸!」 (第07集) |
300k |
「人財兩得,唔使鹹濕。」 (第06集) |
300k |
「女人就係咁簡單,佢鍾意你你放篤屁,佢話你好有男人味。」 (第06集) |
300k |
「一件污,二件穢,三件無所謂。我奸人堅做咗聖人,都係姓奸人。」 (第05集) |
300k |
「何有富,我要你不得好死,死無全屍,沉落海底,比魚蝦蟹食晒,食唔晒沖番上岸俾狗食, 俾狗食唔晒俾雀食,海浪食晒你地。」 (第05集) |
300k |
「我預咗俾雷劈,但係喺我俾雷劈之前,邊個睇我唔順眼,我就要佢陪葬。 由今日開始我唔姓何,我姓奸,我係奸人堅。」 (第05集) |
300k |
「我浪子美男計上計,打孖咁上,有邊個女人唔死喺我手上。」 (第05集) |
300k |
「咁大條鍊,咁細隻手指公。唉… 你有乜做得成功。」 (第04集) |
300k |
「你識做,我識做。」 (第03集) |
300k |
「一二三,五六七,我的仇人在那裡?我的仇人,一二三四,我的仇人在那裡?」 (第03集) |
300k |
「損人必利己,打贏靠暗器。」 (第02集) |
300k |
「有恩未報未算差,有仇不報正人渣。」 (第01集) |
300k |
「以和為貴,遲早乞米,三十六著,恃強凌弱。」 (第01集) |
300k |
「一二三四五六七八,我的姑娘在那裡?一二三四五六七八,我的姑娘在那裡?」 (第01集) |
ENJOY THE SHOW! * * * * *
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