BEAUTY THERAPY!! LOVE to do the massage?
facial massage can smooth out wrinkles and cleanse the face and helps to calm headaches
honour your parents if you want to live longer
At the end of the massage, gently rest hands on partner's face and hold them there covering the eyes for a minute or so without exerting pressure.
as for abdomen can cure blemishes caused by adipose deposits and may help resolves intestinal problems such as constipation.BEAR that touching the abdomen is like INTRUDING upon someones PRIVACY
AVOID all kinds of percussion!don't put them to death!!haha XD
before I forget,massaging the breast is not advisable because this organ is a gland.:D
all right,at the beginning use light,superficial,widespread pressure...its better to massage gently & pleasantly & make sure not to trigger acutely painful reactions.As the treatment proceeds,the pressure can be increase.At last,reduce the pressure...massage tenderly~
thats all for now.tata!
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