ScienceDaily (Mar. 21, 2008) — Happily married adults have lower blood pressure than singles with supportive social networks. Both men and women in happy marriages scored four points lower on 24-hour blood pressure than single adults. Having supportive friends did not translate into improved blood pressure for singles or unhappily marrieds.
Bro came back from visitation.He brought some hair RPR shampoo samples for me.This brand is quite new, already few years in Malaysia. They sell their products mostly in saloons.
Whoo-oa it started from early in the morning,just before the sun rise and was cold outside but didnt rain.
Good!This time I was better than last time :) improving ^^ of course* did you heard of PRATICE "MAKES PERFECT"?
I was told that next TUES is the driving test DAY.
ohh, know what? he's talking about pao* and I did asked him "huh?what is pao? and at bottom of my heart, I think of cha xiu pao, kaya pao,lin yong pao >0<>DON'T STOP!] no pao although pao is nice
so I had my reasons.--Great desire of God's teaching!
God gives us free will. We can do what we like. We can choose to go our own way, or we can choose to walk in the path of Jesus Christ, the son of the living God.
If we go our own way, and turn our backs on God, then we have to bear the consequences of our actions.
yo!drive with confidence.Observation, Anticipation, Reaction!Be a perfect driver!If I have a failure, it does not mean I am a failure.Because You have a Failure, You are not a Failure.Pick up and move on.Your life have meaning!learning-life
my skin is getting bribe or not?lets make a difference! Say no to corruption!why bribing to make sure you pass ur driving test?you have no time ??will pass unless u involved in a accident.u are risking your life!!!Without bribing is a sure "fail" case?if didn't brib, do you have confidence with urself.Why dont believe in urself????fail then retake loo?Why don't trust God?did God failed you? if u didnt study for your exams, will you get good grades?im not talking bout cheating in exams to get excellent results.god testing ur endurance.HOw long can you wait?This is life.He has plans for u!Dont be sad/ too emotional?Be positive!TRUST God and urself.ASK if you dont understand.ASk and it shall be given to you,SEARCH and you will find,KNOCK the door and it will be OPENED to u.SEEK GOD!2oo bucks to bribe?nonono!hmm..I'll try my best and let God to the REST!
As well, do you know drinking caffeine drink can prevent teeth decay.While we're on the subject, should I take caffeine for the test to be more excited and quicker respond ?
(o.O)" Yesterday, Lynn asked me whether I'm doing form 6 and which stream I will choose?back to science or change completely to arts?
and again 15th of March,my add maths tuition teacher called me and I asked him to give advice on choosing stream.
mee: "teacher you studied form 6 sc stream before hor and what do you think of it?"
tea-cha: Have you ever wondered what your real interest is?
mee: "soo..can I survive in form 6?"
tea-cha: "ahhh..form 6 life is the hardest life I ever had"
mee: harh????!!!! @@
tea-cha: see~nothing is impossible!Thomas Edison is an example!
I used to be a science stream student but my parents wanted me to do arts instead, saying that arts are easier to score compared to science.Each has its own difficulty.People says...because they never learnt those subjects.I didn't take Accounts in SPM and I have to study it from the beginning if I take accounts!!What a great great CHALLENGE for me @@
Biology,Chemistry,Physics,Maths,... .Can I follow my heart desires? Do I have the ability to take those subjects?
afk — away from keyboard [malaysia: away from Komputer] - bbl — be back later - brb — be right back - btw — by the way - gtg — got to go - okthx — OK, thanks - lmao — laughing my a* off - lol — laughing out loud - oknp - OK, no problem - omg — oh my god! - rofl — rolling on the floor laughing - stfu — shut the - up! - ttyl — talk to you later - wtf — what the - F*** LMAO - laughing my a*s off LOL - laugh on line/laugh out loud LMFAO - laughing f**king a*s off ROFL - rolling on the floor laughing
Easter day is on this Friday! bro. wouldn't go to school!Huurayyy!
haha actually that day is school holiday for him~ :)
thank you Jesus for dieing on the cross~we are saved
I =I
without CHRIST, I Am Nothing!
cool maths calculations?
Rich chocolate Easter egg tart i got the recipe from but had changed the recipe cauz I dont have some of the ingredients :/
Ingredients (serves 10) the ingr 250g good-quality dark chocolate, broken into pieces 200g butter, chopped 6 eggs 1/3 cup caster sugar 200g mini chocolate Easter eggs (or speckled eggs), for decoration cocoa powder, to serve Sweet shortcrust pastry 1 2/3 cups plain flour 3/4 cup pure icing sugar 125g butter, chilled, chopped 1 egg yolk 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 tablespoon chilled water
Method Make shortcrust pastry: Combine flour, icing sugar and butter in a food processor. Process until mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add egg yolk, vanilla and chilled water. Process until pastry just comes together. Turn onto a floured surface and knead until smooth. Pat into a 10cm disc. Wrap in greaseproof paper and refrigerate for 30 minutes or until firm enough to roll out.
Preheat oven and a large flat baking tray to 190°C. Roll pastry out between 2 sheets baking paper to a 34cm round. Use round to line base and sides of a 2.5cm-deep, 26cm (base) fluted loose-based tart pan. Trim excess pastry. Freeze pastry case for 15 minutes or until firm.
Line pastry case with baking paper. Three-quarters fill with dried beans or uncooked rice. Place on hot tray. Bake for 10 minutes or until firm to touch. Remove paper and beans. Bake for a further 8 to 10 minutes or until pastry base is light golden. Remove from oven. Reduce oven to 180°C and return baking tray to oven.
Meanwhile, place chocolate and butter in a heatproof, microwave-safe bowl. Microwave, uncovered, on MEDIUM-HIGH (70%) for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring every minute with a metal spoon, or until melted and smooth. Using hand beaters, beat eggs and sugar in a large bowl for 4 minutes or until pale and thick. Pour in chocolate mixture. Beat until well combined.
Pour chocolate mixture into pastry case. Place on hot tray and bake for 15 to 18 minutes or until just set. Cool to room temperature. Arrange mini Easter eggs on tart. Dust with cocoa powder and serve.
Jessica Alba's ass came in at number one, right above a lemon being squeezed into your eye. I don't even know why anymore.For some reason the idea of Jessica Alba has become infinitely hotter than Jessica Alba herself. She's like a legend now, and tales of her hotness have surpassed her actual hotness. When they talk about her in the future it won't even be her anymore. It'll be tales...
I'm in HAPPY mood.okay, i want to continue my drama show..tata! :)
PSYCHOLOGY WITH NEUROSCIENCE want to study psychology with neuroscience la~
what's my future?
only God knows. :p
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Neuroscience is an interdisciplinary subject that covers the brain or 'neural' component of disciplines such as Anatomy, Biochemistry, Computer Science, Pharmacology, Physiology, Psychology and Zoology.
For a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree,you must major in at least one of the following subjects:
I like to do research,survey, what can I do in my future?
Lead me all my life o lord...
can choose to major in Psychology as an art or a science.Am I right?
If I have a chance to study Philosophy of Psychology, I'll choose these>>>Altruism and Helping Behaviour; Communication in Infancy;Health Psychology; Psychobiology of Addiction; Psychology of Appetite; Psychology of the Family; Reading Development and Reading Difficulties; Social Cognitive Development; and the Social Psychology of Prejudice study hard and smart for everything!Pray & Trust god with no doubt!
Proverbs 3:5&6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Lead me lord by Gary Valenciano
Lead me Lord, lead me by the hand And make me face the rising sun Comfort me through all the pain That life may bring There's no other hope That I can lean upon Lead me Lord Lead me all my life Walk by me, walk by me across The lonely road that I may face Take my arms and let your hadn Show me the way Show the way to live inside your heart All my days, all my life
Refrain: You are my light You're the lamb upon my feet All the time my Lord I need You there You are my light I (just) cannot live alone Let me stay By Your guiding love All through my life Lead me Lord
Lead me Lord Even though at times I'd rather go alone my way Help me take the right direction Take Your road Lead me Lord And never leave my side All my days All my life
You are my light You're the lamb upon my feet All the time my Lord I need You there You are my light I (just) cannot live alone Let me stay By Your guiding love All through my life All through my days Lead me, O Lord Lead me Lord is SPM results releasing day.I hope that everything will be fine. We still can do even better in study.I know some students need this SPM results to apply for scholarships.SPM leaver pleaassseee don't commit suicide if you failed to get the desirable result.this is not a deadline!Academic education is important but is not the means to all ends. Each one of us has certain skills, capacities and different interests!
PRAYER produces FAITH, which can moves mountains!
Our father god in heaven,
thank you for protection on us.You said if we ask anything in your name and you will do it. Let us glorify your name and get good results for SPM.Please guide us and let us be successful in life. We do our best and you do the rest.Lord, protect people who would harm themselves.Bless us O lord. I trust you will take care us for every moment. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
oh God...i need to practice intersections, change lanes, keep space around the car, and most importantly i need to master hill parking, parallel parking, and U-turn.
yes! I did practice to drive in a bad weather... on sand road with potholes, tar road and small hill but I didn't practice at night. =.=
what to do if emergency or an accident occurs
then this will determine whether I can pass my driving test
The conclusion is I need more practice!
a driver uses 97% on mental & 3% on physical to drive a car
Safe Driver Checklist
Starting the Vehicle:
Adjusts mirrors
Fastens safety belt
Knows where the operating controls are located
Moving Forward:
Looks in mirrors and over shoulder before pulling into traffic.
Uses two hands on opposite sides of the steering wheel.
Checks traffic (sees and reacts to hazards).
Stops behind crosswalk or limit line.
Stops without using accelerator at the same time.
Slows for turns.
Begins and ends turns in the correct lane.
Yields right of way when necessary.
Accepts legal right of way when safe.
Sees and reacts to hazards.
Checks mirrors and looks over right shoulder.
Changing Lanes:
Checks mirrors.
Checks over shoulder to view blind spot.
Changes lanes safely.
Maintains speed.
Driving On The Freeway:
Checks traffic flow.
Times entry into freeway.
Checks mirrors and over shoulder before merging into traffic.
I have recently searched for many sites to understand more about the Form 6 life
"Form 6? Form 6 = Fun.Stress.BurntAss.
Burnt Ass = Few KG of Chem/Math/Bio notes.
Stress = Rushing day and night for the syllabus
Fun = Overrides all above,the experience you get in F6.The satisfaction after STPM.
F6 = FxSxB !! LoL :D
Form Six is a waste if you cannot get a place in local university, like the case of my brother. Form Six is not wasted if you get yourself a degree in the end, like my case. But, one thing I know is that Form Six helped to shape up an individual. You get to mix around with different people, weird people, nerd, etc…but at the end of the day, you emerge a more mature person.
F6 is a good way of buying time while still keeping your options open and not diving into something that one is still unsure about.
Form 6 is not easy and is never going to be easy. Science or Arts, it's the same. Both sides need diligence, hard work, and determination. No wonder some of my friends always remarked that STPM was the 3rd most difficult exam in the world. I am inclined to agree with them.
To those who opt to go to Form 6, be prepared for thick books, lots of notes, lots of Math exercises
Make lotsa notes and non-stop revision. Discipline is the key word here
the purpose of studying in Form 6::::
To motivate youself in STPM, always remember the reason why you study in Form 6; to secure a place in university. It's two years of gruelling intensive studies and perhaps no play. Study very hard so that you have more options i.e course and university.
Chemistry alone already has three books to finish in 1 and a half year. Biology and Maths - both with 2 books
It's always possible through hard work.
We are the one who determined our result.
One day, if you are able to get your favorite course in your chosen university, you will realize how proud you are with all the efforts and sacrifice you have made.
Never depend on your teachers.
Studying is just a phase in life, and what you study doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re gonna work with that qualification.
Another alternative would be A-level, need same hard work and discipline but fairer and easier than STPM, the difference lies in A-level tests what the students know, STPM tests what they don’t."
the mentality of college students and form6 students are very different?! family and I attended Sunday church service.
Pastor talked aBOUtgOSpEL today.
Share the gospel :
1. working it hardly
2. diligence
3. talent
4. opportunity
talked about our life
day clock
at my age, I was still at 11 morning
and for my parents age, they were around tea time age
we chuckled for a while ;D
here's another type of exercise that we should practice it more frequently to keep healthy! :)
Cardiovascular exercise is considered doing anything from walking your dog to skating in a full speed ice hockey game. Targeted cardio is cardio done for the purpose of burning fat and retaining muscle. For most people, this can be done by taking a jog in the park or on the treadmill at your local gym.
For maximum fat loss and muscle preservation, cardio is most effective when performed at 65-75% of your maximum heart rate (220-age) for 30-60 minutes. When performed at this medium intensity, your body is less likely to burn carbs (and protein) as energy, and will turn towards fat for energy.
well well well...there's a promising cancer new drug ---MI-219.
Researchers have long searched for a novel cancer drug that activates a certain protein to kill tumor cells. But finding a drug that kills the cancer without causing damage to normal cells has stymied researchers.
If clinical trials prove out the drug's promise, it could have potential for treating many different types of cancer.
The protein p53, which normally helps suppress tumors, is inactivated in almost all human cancers. About half the time, p53 does not do its job because the gene that holds the protein is mutated or missing altogether. The other half of the time, another protein, called human MDM2, is the culprit. It binds to p53 and inhibits the tumor suppressor function of p53, promoting cancer development.
Many traditional cancer drugs also activate p53but they do so by causing DNA damage. They kill not only tumor cells but also normal cells, thus having severe side effects. MI-219is unique in that it is designed to activate p53 without causing DNAdamage, specifically killing tumor cells. Indeed, MI-219 is highly effective in inhibiting tumor growth, and even inducing tumor regression, but it has caused no toxicity to animals at efficacious doses
Using a computer-assisted approach, U-M researchers designed a small molecule, called MI-219, that is highly effective in blocking the interaction of MDM2 and p53. MI-219 specifically kills tumor cells by harnessing the power of p53. In animal models of human cancer, MI-219 completely inhibited tumor growth and appeared to cause no toxicity to animals.
In addition to its effectiveness at killing cancer cells without toxic side effects, MI-219 can be developed as a pill thatpatients could take orally, rather than the traditional chemotherapy drugs that must be given intravenously at a hospital or cancer center.
While promising in preclinical studies, MI-219needs to be evaluated in human clinical trials for its safety and efficacy for cancer treatment since it is a brand new drug.
The therapeutic potential of MI-219 for the treatment of many types of human cancer. Ascenta is committed to advancing MI-219, which we have designated AT-219, into human clinical trials," says study author Dajun Yang, M.D., Ph.D., senior vice president of research and a co-founder of Ascenta Therapeutics, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company that has licensed the technology related to MI-219 from U-M and plans to aggressively advance it into human clinical trials. MI-219 is in preclinical studies and not yet ready for human trials in cancer patients.
there's a song playing in my mind...entitled "SHOUT TO THE LORD"
<3 it
My Jesus, My Savior Lord there is none like You All of my days I want to praise The wonders of Your mighty love
My Comfort, My Shelter Tower of refuge and strength Let every breath And all that I am Never cease to worship You
Shout to the Lord All the earth Let us sing Power and majesty Praise to the King Mountains bow down And the seas will roar At the sound of Your Name
I sing for joy at the work of Your hands Forever I'll love you Forever I'll stand Nothing compares to the promise I have in You
My Jesus, My Saviour Lord there is none like You All of my days I want to praise The wonders of Your mighty love
My comfort My Shelter Tower of refuge and strength let every breath All that I am Never cease to worship you
Shout to the Lord All the earth Let us sing Power and majesty Praise to the King Mountains bow down And the seas will roar At the sound of Your Name
I sing for joy at the work of Your hands Forever I'll love you Forever I'll stand Nothing compares to the promise I have in You
Shout to the Lord All the earth Let us sing Power and majesty Praise to the King Mountains bow down And the seas will roar At the sound of Your Name
I sing for joy at the work of Your hands Forever I'll love you Forever I'll stand Nothing compares to the promise I have Nothing compares to the promise I have Nothing compares to the promise I have in You
Yesterday I learned how to drive a car up to the slope. Today I learned how to park a car and the 3 points* thingy! tomorrow don't know? but next time i know! may be driving up to the higher slope,learn parking at the driving test place???? when talked bout that car
complaining the Perodua car was very lousy..timing belt was not good the safety belt and air-cond also not good >-<> many using it for car driving lesson in Malaysia
otherwise you go Singapore and learn driving lo then its better!I think at there they used Honda City?!
I got sunburnt! DARKer skin tone d.
besides its very difficult for me to turn the car steering. yooooo.....the instructor ask me to eat more rice ..haiz haiz haiz
I NEED YOUR STRENGTH.I seek your guidance.
Help me to handle the car wisely and give me a safety journey for every time I leave my home.