Yesterday, Lynn asked me whether I'm doing form 6 and which stream I will choose?back to science or change completely to arts?
and again 15th of March,my add maths tuition teacher called me and I asked him to give advice on choosing stream.
mee: "teacher you studied form 6 sc stream before hor and what do you think of it?"
tea-cha: Have you ever wondered what your real interest is?
mee: "soo..can I survive in form 6?"
tea-cha: "ahhh..form 6 life is the hardest life I ever had"
mee: harh????!!!! @@
tea-cha: but...you see~nothing is impossible!Thomas Edison is an example!
I used to be a science stream student but my parents wanted me to do arts instead, saying that arts are easier to score compared to science.Each has its own difficulty.People says...because they never learnt those subjects.I didn't take Accounts in SPM and I have to study it from the beginning if I take accounts!!What a great great CHALLENGE for me @@
Biology,Chemistry,Physics,Maths,... .Can I follow my heart desires?
Do I have the ability to take those subjects?
Lynn said may be I'll change my TASTE* someday...
Good luck to whoever is having trouble deciding
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