So, Today is April Fool's Day!
the pic below is violence! be careful! don't get heart attack!
I have a testimonial to tell everyone

I woke up 10 minutes before six but I didn't get myself off the bed...closed my eyes and thinking how to handle the car.Quarter past 6, then I rushed myself to the bathroom.After that, I ate my breakfast which was prepared by my father[lets give him best daddy award].Then I headed off to the office.
It started to rain at 7 * something* and so I prayed that weather will be better. At office, another person and I was waiting for the arrival of van.They fetch us to the driving test place. The driver didn't obeyed the road signs. There's a reason why I spoke this. He parked the van at the road crossing which is after line. So BAD! :(
When we reached there, we were given a card to register ourselves at the counter. Not long after, we were directed to go to do the on slope test, parking test and 3 points turn test first.So hot there, not even 1 drop of rain has showered the road.From 9 O' clock until 11, then it was my turn so I drove the car at the side to the slope.Whatever you do, work it it with all your heart. I was so happy because they gave 2 tries for us to park the car at the correct line BUT you can't do the worst mistake IF NOT you failed the test!!!
I praise God becauce he gave me strength and calmness to pass the 1st part of the test. The world is so small. I saw WyWyKy.
I was bored to SLEEP. I heard there were hundred of candidates.Ahhhhhhhhhh long turn to do the 2nd part of the test.Around 1 , I could see the tired-look of peo. Everybody is sleepy, no mood to run the test.My stomach was also asking for help. Then, the JPJ officer announced time to break. Next, we carried our leg as fast as possible to the stall nearby there to fill up our stomach. In a little while, we could clearly see the lightnings, the sky turned gloomy and strong wind to follow rain promptly. OHH gosh!
After the break, we went back the the hall and candidates nightmare begun. HEAVY RAIN! We were so worried about the weather. God have mercy on us. Give us a safety journey and stop the rain!!We don't want to fail our test, right?Still waiting our turn, not much thing we can do at that time.
I closed my eyes and start to imagine how to drive the car again. Nevertheless, I also prayed that everything will be fine.I need power , courage, wisdom and tranquility from my King. Please everyone don't be ashamed to admit our fears to God.Have faith in him and you will pass!"If you ask anything in my name and I will do it" John 14:14 . Ask according to Christ-like character and he will do whatever you asked. For that reason, Don't give backhander! God's watching you!What you had done will be recorded in the book of life.On the judgment day, the dead will be risen and be judged. You are not a failure if you have failure. Therefore, don't ever give up to TRY again!
at 2.45, my turn comes. It was still raining and cold out there. I went in the car and started the beginning procedure [the seat, mirrors, signal, hon, whipper, safety belt]. My advice to people who will taking the test: Be nice to them. Manners maketh a man! Lastly, take it easy!My examiner is a female. [^They^=candidates] say it would be better if it's a male but I preferred female ones. By grace, I was given for what I prayed for. Yes~ she did ask me to reverse the car because the car in front was blocking the way.
watch out for the traffic lights, give signals, and MUST stop at the corner. BERHENTI= free gear & handbrake. My instructor told me many drivers don't bother to do that because it's just waste of time. For safety reasons, make it a practice when you drive on the road! My dai kor did it.This is what he said la so~ want to check for the truth, you better ask himself!
At first it was okay, until she ordered me to go the first road. When I passing the school road, i want to change my gear 3 to gear 2 but she yell at me "guna brake saja la". i sped so fast until could hardly stop the car at the correct place. She nagged me again "ehhh..cepat sangat!!!!". I was downhearted.I came to a corner again.Incline road again ah!!! I need to do the stop procedure and balance the clutch and accelerator again.Haiz~ =.="
When I want to change to gear 2...guess what happened? Oppseee~This is a real life comedy show --omgOMG I unplugged the gear holder OUT!!!!! ohS~. I was terrified for a while. She nodded her head and cried "Alamak!alamak!", questioning why I did that. I keep explaining to her that the gear holder is very loose already. I also feel strange about it but I thought the kancil car is like that de mahhh.I tried to calm down myself and decelerate the car speed.
Luckily, she has found the gear holder back at the behind and put it on. I quickly screwed back the gear holder and drove back to the centre.
I knew probability of getting pass is veryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryveryVERY low~it seems to be impossible to pass.What you expect?The worst thing which I had hoped not to happen already happened to me! I was that LUCKY*?!?! I think I'm the ONLY 1 who pull out the gear holder during the driving test! Who plays prank on me?What a special day! I wouldn't forget it in my entire life!!!
In the end, I drove the car back to the centre safety. phewwwW~ ^.^". what a great incident. Fortunately, she didn't asked me to get off the car and drove me back to centre. If not I must find a cave and hide inside!
God is good all the time! All the time God is good! Thank God for sending me a good examiner. You touched her heart and helped to pass my driving test.[maybe she's fed up with the malaysian way**?].
You are the living God and
helping me when i'm in trouble.
UNBELIEVABLE? My parents could hardly believe me that I had passed the testbut...
Say "NO" to give bribe. Don't be tempted by evil ones. Do your own work well, and then you will be proud of it. Don't compare with others.Each of us have to carry our own loads. We need to ask God for courage, knowing that we can't summon it up on our own. Our courage does not come from our own abilities, but from God's. Prayer is a wonderful weapon.
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