Faith is the belief in things yet unseen and hope in things yet to come...
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Suffering and loss can be a gift
It teaches us, increases our faith, and strengthens our hope. We more greatly appreciate what is coming our way in eternity. We realize that life as it ought to be is not yet here, and the fullness of the promise of our inheritance is not yet received in full. We have not yet seen face to face. When will we make God our source of joy and not what He can give us, do for us, or what we can do for Him?
I just wanna thank God for everything that He has done for me. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles.
Thank You Lord! I know you're watching lol
I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
Yet it was good of you to share in my troubles.
Thank You Lord! I know you're watching lol
I lurrrve you :)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Hi! haiz :( still searching plants name...ask mama also didn't work. Ask mama the origin of those plants which she had bought xx years ago. > 50% in my mind no 80% she won't know them..I'm right. She knows nothing at all (bout the plant that I'd asked).
Kamkat or kamquat which sp. are you? I think you're Calamondin
Ehh kamquat do you know that you can be used as a living Christmas tree.?? If I still don't know your sp. yet, I'll cut you down and hang you with smtg!!
Kamkat or kamquat which sp. are you? I think you're Calamondin
Ehh kamquat do you know that you can be used as a living Christmas tree.?? If I still don't know your sp. yet, I'll cut you down and hang you with smtg!!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
081122 NICE day huh?
Christmas day is coming. Just now, went to care group and had choir prac for the coming Christmas celebration. I was beginning to feel a little bit of sore throat OMG! May be I had not drink enough of H2O =.= < color="#9999ff">Hide and Seek game. Haiz lil kids want to play, have to participate their game la. Don't let them be disappointed. It is much better to be a good 'jie jie',am I right? Bad news!!! I was bullied by those lil kids T_T...may be last time I made fun of my lil bro way too this is called "an eye for eye, a tooth for a tooth". >.<~ Then, I fight back? Cannot!! I must forgive them.It is important to forgiving others cuz "If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins." (Matthew 6:14-15) You see how serious the problem is? (U.U) yea...small matter only mahhh...XX hit my hand skin and was very pain nvm XX helped me to reduce the subcutaneous fat in my body. The word pain has a very broad spectrum...... then??? u go and google search lah
...finally reached home. Then, watched TV and continued my Bio project..still searching the plants name. So lucky to have friend to help me out while doing the project! HAHA that's what a friend is for. He called the plant -half clover /p o l a n s k i...... j a n e trosp.??? @@. what a cool name! LOL LOL LOL.
buddy, ˆرˆnice try!! Thanks for the help anyway.Actually, there's a man called Roman Raymond Polanski s an Academy Award-winning and four-time nominated Polish film director, writer, actor, producer and Holocaust survivor...
Oh God, please help me to complete my task!

...finally reached home. Then, watched TV and continued my Bio project..still searching the plants name. So lucky to have friend to help me out while doing the project! HAHA that's what a friend is for. He called the plant -half clover /p o l a n s k i...... j a n e trosp.??? @@. what a cool name! LOL LOL LOL.
buddy, ˆرˆnice try!! Thanks for the help anyway.Actually, there's a man called Roman Raymond Polanski s an Academy Award-winning and four-time nominated Polish film director, writer, actor, producer and Holocaust survivor...
Oh God, please help me to complete my task!

1st pic: Nice or not these picture? Can anyone tell me what is the name of this plant by looking the leaf pic? ya take look! look like clover leaf right? another half were eaten by the caterpillar...jkjk. It was a joke!

2nd pic: ohh no, I have no idea what is this. I think I'll take the more common ones.
P/S: At this moment, I only uploaded this 2 pic only..will have more plant pics ^^"You will be very lucky if you know what is that and pls tell me! THANKS A LOT! MAY GOD BLESS YOU!
>n<" got to go now. It's too late.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Change change change me!!
Hello :D ! Thank God for keeping me safe. I have to keep my post short...due to insufficient of time.I've wasted so much time for surfing the net lol..being a blurker haha...
Ohh no, I felt so down these few days..,I think I spent less time with God.OMG! I spent a lil time with God these days.Please help me...He is with me right? No doubt please.I believe that he is still with me all the time even when you didn't care about him but he does cares for you. Why some people dont really believe in God? Why it's so hard to believe in God? Why they prefer to carry they burdens? Let it go~Leave that to God! Just let God do the work! Uhh never mind if you dont understand what I'm trying to say. I just feel that I need to say it out.
I wish I can get up every morning with determination and going to go to bed with satisfaction.I had wasted too much time...I need to be transformed into your likeness O God, change this heart inside of me. keep on DREAMing.
"Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ." (Colssians 3:23-24)
Ohh no, I felt so down these few days..,I think I spent less time with God.OMG! I spent a lil time with God these days.Please help me...He is with me right? No doubt please.I believe that he is still with me all the time even when you didn't care about him but he does cares for you. Why some people dont really believe in God? Why it's so hard to believe in God? Why they prefer to carry they burdens? Let it go~Leave that to God! Just let God do the work! Uhh never mind if you dont understand what I'm trying to say. I just feel that I need to say it out.
I wish I can get up every morning with determination and going to go to bed with satisfaction.I had wasted too much time...I need to be transformed into your likeness O God, change this heart inside of me. keep on DREAMing.
"Whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ." (Colssians 3:23-24)
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Hello all! I killed my new pet today. Today?? i mean yesterday...!(if you have read my prevoius blog post, you know who I'm referring to). She has lost she last breath in my hand.**mourn her for 1 minute **. Sorry I have to do cuz it was my task! i mean yesterday...just now la is our last tuition at Kxxxxxx PJ. Actually we were forced to leave..Haiz so hardworking to attend the lesson but eventually get kicked out from there XC ..due to some reasons blah blah blah.. After the lesson, we had a photoshot session XD...haha...we all were bunch of crazy people...took photos from the classroom to outside of it then to staircase and last at the gate. OMG! This was the craziest thing that I had done!
Here comes the excited part...
When we stepped out from the gate there and try to take photo...I saw a cockroach trying to sneak away from my eye sight. How can she escape from my sharp eye??? "Unluckily", she managed to run away before we really try to hunt for her. You won't have a better luck next act so serious meh??? Of course la...this is all for bio.project man!!!
We all searched for the cockroach and her mates from the little staircase to the
garbage place...after some mistakes of course our hunting and catching skill increase and we were better than before lah...and he got one!!!happy for him ^U^
while YS trying to catch one for me..don't know what he did on that cockroach..some black colour fluid on his hand the smell would not be fragrant smell la.. I think its dirt+water~~~
He quickly ran up back to tuition centre to clean up his hands whereas I was left to deal with the situation...I was angry enough..@#$%^!&*... I won't let you go this time.The one we both trying to catch seemed to be very aggressive..actually I was quite afraid this time..different feeling cuz the one I had before was milder than this one we are trying to catch. With courage and strength which was the Lord who gives to me that, I caught it successfully. After all, it was a relief for us!!! Both of us have one cockroach to bring home tonight! Yeaahhhhhhh It was our souvenir to celebrate something? Ohh to celebrate for winning our battle with cockroach?
It's God's grace again. Praise the Lord. To him be glory.
When I reached home, *thinking how to place that small creature* I kept it in a plastic bag this time..cuz her size are bigger than one before ...hehe and I can't find a better one! Next, I poked holes for her to get O2
I have to improve my English writing skill. See that? A lot of mistakes need to be corrected. i mean yesterday...just now la is our last tuition at Kxxxxxx PJ. Actually we were forced to leave..Haiz so hardworking to attend the lesson but eventually get kicked out from there XC ..due to some reasons blah blah blah.. After the lesson, we had a photoshot session XD...haha...we all were bunch of crazy people...took photos from the classroom to outside of it then to staircase and last at the gate. OMG! This was the craziest thing that I had done!
Here comes the excited part...
When we stepped out from the gate there and try to take photo...I saw a cockroach trying to sneak away from my eye sight. How can she escape from my sharp eye??? "Unluckily", she managed to run away before we really try to hunt for her. You won't have a better luck next act so serious meh??? Of course la...this is all for bio.project man!!!
We all searched for the cockroach and her mates from the little staircase to the
garbage place...after some mistakes of course our hunting and catching skill increase and we were better than before lah...and he got one!!!happy for him ^U^
while YS trying to catch one for me..don't know what he did on that cockroach..some black colour fluid on his hand the smell would not be fragrant smell la.. I think its dirt+water~~~
He quickly ran up back to tuition centre to clean up his hands whereas I was left to deal with the situation...I was angry enough..@#$%^!&*... I won't let you go this time.The one we both trying to catch seemed to be very aggressive..actually I was quite afraid this time..different feeling cuz the one I had before was milder than this one we are trying to catch. With courage and strength which was the Lord who gives to me that, I caught it successfully. After all, it was a relief for us!!! Both of us have one cockroach to bring home tonight! Yeaahhhhhhh It was our souvenir to celebrate something? Ohh to celebrate for winning our battle with cockroach?
It's God's grace again. Praise the Lord. To him be glory.
When I reached home, *thinking how to place that small creature* I kept it in a plastic bag this time..cuz her size are bigger than one before ...hehe and I can't find a better one! Next, I poked holes for her to get O2
I have to improve my English writing skill. See that? A lot of mistakes need to be corrected.
cockroach attack,
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