...finally reached home. Then, watched TV and continued my Bio project..still searching the plants name. So lucky to have friend to help me out while doing the project! HAHA that's what a friend is for. He called the plant -half clover /p o l a n s k i...... j a n e trosp.??? @@. what a cool name! LOL LOL LOL.
buddy, ˆرˆnice try!! Thanks for the help anyway.Actually, there's a man called Roman Raymond Polanski s an Academy Award-winning and four-time nominated Polish film director, writer, actor, producer and Holocaust survivor...
Oh God, please help me to complete my task!

1st pic: Nice or not these picture? Can anyone tell me what is the name of this plant by looking the leaf pic? ya take look! look like clover leaf right? another half were eaten by the caterpillar...jkjk. It was a joke!

2nd pic: ohh no, I have no idea what is this. I think I'll take the more common ones.
P/S: At this moment, I only uploaded this 2 pic only..will have more plant pics ^^"You will be very lucky if you know what is that and pls tell me! THANKS A LOT! MAY GOD BLESS YOU!
>n<" got to go now. It's too late.
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