Today, I can't play piano very well at the beginning of the worship service but at last still managed to end up well. At least got better than last time. I joined back Youth Ablaze after had been missing for a very long time at somewhere else. Praise God! I can see more and more youth coming to church now.The room was cool enough and my hands felt so cold. Surprisingly, I was asked to share a testimony and I think I had show the X] look again. I want to change it. It was my BAD HABIT!
See this. When I take away the 'H' from the word, I got ABIT= a bit . Then when I minus 'A', I got BIT. Last, I minus 'T', what is left?
'I'. Overall, I still have that HABIT! Can you guess what bad habit of yours? How often have you kicked yourself for, yet again, succumbing to bad habits? Any time you feel stressed and unhappy you're following an ingrained bad habit of seriousness that you created in your brain through years of repetition.
Why do I look so sad? I want to break BAD habits and build good ones. *.*There's a time to step out of the mire of the past and let the Lord work His will in our lives, and not be burdened with the dead past.
He heard my voice. My cry for help reached his ears.
In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and he answered by setting me free. The LORD is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? (Psalm 118:5-6)
I want to let go the past and move on.
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