Holidays are great. Being on holiday is the only time of the year when I get to relax. When the holidays are over, then I will say I wish I had more holidays. There's no right or wrong way to enjoy the holidays. I got something to do to escape the “I'm bored” doldrums. Chances are good that, at some point in your life, you've journalled. In journalling right now. The best is there's no rules around journalling. Journalling can affect both physical and mental wellbeing. Let your thoughts flow and preserve your memories. But be caredful! Feelings won't be safe from the people around you, you may consider journalling on the computer. It's hard to keep a journal in a safe place though. Protect privacy when writing a internet journal? You may consider password-protecting your journal? What if hackers break into your network, how would the press ever find out? Though internet jounalling is faster and easier but I prefer the traditional methods of writing a journal. Don't worry. I will keep sharing lifetime stories with you all :p What were you thinking ?
"Nearly 4 billion trees worldwide are cut down each year for paper, ... uses 749 pounds of paper every year (adding up to a whopping 187 billion pounds per year for ... nearly 90000 sheets of paper or 2700 copies of a 35-page newspaper!" - extracted from ecology.com
Reduce the consumption of products made from trees. Save trees, save the world so I was thinking of 3R concept-'reduce, reuse, recycle' aspects can be incorporated into this activity. I make creative use of the available things around...don't have to waste $$ to buy sheets of paper [][][][][][]
I was surfing the internet and I remembered to share with all of you on "How to type hearts on your keyboard?" Let's make heart symbols with the numeric keypads. First, make sure the numlock mode on your keyboard is on. Then, holding down "Alt" key while typing 1 for ☺, 2 for ☻, 3 for ♥, 4 for ♦, 5 for ♣, 6 for ♠, 7 for •, 8 for ◘, 9 for ○, 10 for ◙, .11 for ♂, 12 for ♀, 13 for ♪, 14 for ♫, 15 for ☼, 16 for ►, 17 for ◄, 18 for ↕, 19 for ‼, 20 for ¶, 21 for §, 22 for ▬, 23 for ↨, 24 for ↑, 25 for ↓, 26 for →, 27 for ←, 28 for ∟, 29 for ↔, 30 for ▲, 31 for ▼, ...
Remember to hold down "Alt" key and enter number you want to get those symbols. By the way, you can use character map to do it but that one is different case already cuz you're not using the keypad anymore =_=".. go start> accessories> system tools> character map..then explore the map lol ^U^
I wonder why ALT+18 and ALT+23 is the same?
Have fun playing with that ♥~and generate the minimum amount of waste *wink**wink**wink*.
1 comment:
Nice dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.
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