I have been busy doing exercise. Yeah, I have started exercising my brain because things started jamming in my head already. I need to unclog my head to prevent the jam more down. I couldn't wait until the brain stops completely before taking any corrective action. Wanna know how stuff works? Firstly, fill up the brain with enough water. Secondly, breath in and out with a contractile stomach force. Then, shout 'WooooOh' with high pitch voice. You must have determination, strong power and start to concentrate and resistance in your mind. Take some time to allow your synapses connecting each other and neurons firing your brain overnight. ^___^ Sounds great?
Now I remembered, the symbol on top is (NFPA 704) - a color code called fire diamond. NFPA fire diamond indicate the level of chemical hazard.
blue indicating level of health hazard,
red = flammability
yellow = (chemical) reactivity
white containing special codes for unique hazards.
(For more specific information about NFPA, go here and here)

OK. Let's see how many days I can live without the my fav's games. See? There are many things I could live without. But, I can't live a day with you. I would give it all for just a moment with you. YOU ARE THE BEST THING that happened to me...guess who? Yeah, if you had been following me all this while, I guess you'll know who's that. Without hope in Jesus Christ, where would I be? Things wouldn't exist without a creator, right? For example, a watch must have a watchmaker. No one on this earth without God existing, He made us. I'm so glad to be a part of this great family.
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